Tincture Formulas
We take pride in producing tinctures from fresh plant material, creating the most consistent, potent, energetic and medicinal remedies. To create our formulas, we start with our high quality single herb tinctures and combine these to create effective and potent compounds. Formulas are crafted with herbs that work synergistically with each other to address a specific health concern, specific system imbalances, and optimize overall health.
Kidney Vitality Tonic
Kidney Vitality Tonic
About: Kidney Vitality Tonic contains herbs that support a healthy urinary tract and promote optimal kidney function and vitality. The kidneys and urinary tract are a major eliminatory pathway in the body, filtering the blood, regulating pH, and equalizing blood pressure. This tincture supports detoxification and circulation and can aid in gently removing blockages and toxins that manifest as infections, kidney stones, as well as compromised energy and vitality. The synergistic action of astringent, diuretic, demulcent, tonic and anti-microbial herbs combine in formula for a tonic to support and strengthen the vital force of the kidneys.
The astringent herbs, Agrimony, Blue vervain, Horsetail and Yarrow tonify and nourish the kidneys and urinary tract. Diuretic herbs, Nettle, Dandelion, Cleavers increase urine output, clearing excess fluid and regulating blood pressure. Demulcent herbs Plantain and Cleavers soothe and heal irritated tissue. Goldenrod, Oregon grape root and Yarrow disperse stagnation and have anti-microbial action. Astragalus strengthens and tonifies the kidneys and immune system.
This tonic can be used during times of acute kidney imbalance, for UTIs and kidney stones. As well as for those dealing with chronic health conditions when detoxification pathways are compromised and need extra support. This formula can also be used during detoxification protocols as well as a general tonic to support the integrity of the urinary tract and circulation.
Ingredients: Fresh cultivated Nettle leaf (Urtica dioica), fresh wild Dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale), fresh cultivated Cleavers (Galium aparine), fresh cultivated Yarrow leaf and flower (Achillea millefolium), fresh cultivated Plantain leaf (Plantago spp.), fresh cultivated Blue vervain flowering tops (Verbena hastata), fresh cultivated Agrimony flowering tops (Agrimonia eupatoria), fresh wild Horsetail (Equisetum arvense), fresh wild Goldenrod (Solidago velutina ssp. californica), dry wild Oregon grape root (Mahonia nervosa), certified organic Astragalus root (Astragalus membranaceous), organic cane alcohol and pure spring water.
Servings: 15-30 per 1 oz. bottle.
Serving Size: 30- 60 drops (1-2 ml).
Suggested Use: Add 30-60 drops (1-2 ml) to 1 ounce of water 1-3 times/day or as suggested by your healthcare practitioner.